Monday, March 15, 2010

MW 2 MAP PACK INFO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I just googled "Modern Warfare 2 Stimulus Package" and this link appeared.

MW2 Stimulus Package Marketplace

MW2 Stimulus Package Marketplace Link 2 (Cached)

Rog tried both links and it seems to not work, if you get it to work please post a comment below.

Basic info on the new map pack:

The first Modern Warfare 2 content pack will be released on March 30, 2010, and will be exclusively available on Xbox LIVE with PC and PlayStation 3 platforms receiving the same content at later date.

The "Stimulus Package" set to release will include five multiplayer maps: "Bailout," a multi-level apartment complex; "Storm," an open industrial park littered with heavy machinery; "Salvage," a snowy junkyard fortified by stacked debris and crushed cars. Two fan-favorites from Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare return, including "Crash," a war-torn urban environment; and "Overgrown," which features a massive dry creek bed.

In an interview with Larry Hyrb, Robert Bowling Infinity Ward's community manager confirmed that the Stimulus Package will retail at 1200MSP equivalent to $14.99.

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